Fun Growth Mindset Activities for the Classroom

Embracing a growth mindset is a powerful tool that can transform the way children approach learning and personal development. By fostering the belief that kids can develop intelligence and abilities through dedication, effort, and perseverance, you can help students unlock their full potential. To nurture this mindset, incorporate engaging and fun activities, and keep visual reminders around to keep their motivation up during tough times.

In this article, we’ll explore 7 fun growth mindset activities designed to motivate students and cultivate a love for learning and resilient attitude towards challenges. From group activities and discussions to puzzles and games, these activities will encourage students to embrace the power of growth and maintain a positive view of the learning process.

  1. Dedicate one bulletin board to Growth Mindset and use it in a number of ways both at back-to-school time and throughout the year:
    • “The Power of Yet” Poster: Create a bulletin board that showcases the phrase “The Power of Yet.” Have students write down things they may have struggled with in the past but haven’t mastered yet and add them to a poster that hangs throughout the year. Encourage them to update their goals and achievements as they make progress throughout the school year. Seeing those achievements is highly motivating!
    • Growth Mindset Affirmations: Have each student create their own growth mindset affirmations. Provide them with sentence starters such as “I can improve at…,” “I am capable of…,” or “I am becoming better at…“. They can decorate and display their affirmations in the classroom as a reminder of their growth potential.
  2. Goal setting activity – Teach them how to set “SMART” goals so they’re more invested in the process.
  3. Growth Mindset-Themed Books: Select a children’s book that promotes a growth mindset, such as “The Little Engine That Could” or “Giraffes Can’t Dance.” Read the book together as a class, discussing the challenges the characters face and how they demonstrate a growth mindset. Integrate discussion and ask for examples of when they didn’t think they could do something but DID! Let them share and see them shine!
  4. Growth Mindset Puzzles: Offer puzzles that require problem-solving and critical thinking. Encourage students to approach the puzzles as fun challenges, emphasizing the importance of sticking with it and learning from mistakes. Puzzles can even include crosswords or word searches.
  5. Growth Mindset Games: Engage students in interactive games that promote a growth mindset. For example, play a “What If” game where students imagine different scenarios and discuss how a growth mindset would help them navigate those situations. You can also play a “Fixed or Growth” Mindset game in which students distinguish between growth mindset statements from fixed mindset ones.
  6. Who doesn’t love a good Bingo game? Use these during the back-to-school get-to-know-you time, before and after big tests, or as the school year winds down.
  7. Keep the mindset going with coloring pages focused on growth mindset for down times when you need a quick activity. The more often these messages are on their minds, the better!

Remember to adapt these activities to suit the interests and abilities of students – you want them to enjoy it, after all!

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